Please feel free to download the updates if you already own OLIGO 6 and you would like to download the most current files.  Please note: If you own an older version, you will need to purchase the upgrade.  The updates are only minor modifications to the most current version of OLIGO and will only be useful on computers with the current version of OLIGO already installed.

This site also contains a full version of the software. Download it only if you've misplaced the original disks or when your Oligo for Windows version is 6.49 or lower (to check the version # please see Help-About), or if you'd like to use it in the day of purchase. For all other versions 6, download the update only, so you won't need to register Oligo again (new oligo.exe must replace the old one, in the same directory).

To update without downloading (All Oligo 6 versions, including Net and Lite) please send your old Oligo 6 disk to us, and we'll send you the updated disk back, at no charge.

Network versions (only) - please contact us before the downloading.

To download the update or the entire Oligo 6 software:
  1) Complete the following form (we value your privacy and keep your data confidential)
  2) Create a bookmark to this site (optional)
  3) Click on the appropriate check box below and on the <Submit> button
  4) On the next screen, click the version which you would like to download

License Number (NOT the long workstation code)

Name, Title

 Organization , Department

 Work Phone


OLIGO, Version 6.71 for Windows - Last update: March 8, 2005

OLIGO, Version 6.90 for Mac (all PPCs, OS X) - Last update: June 12, 2008

